Pilates is a comprehensive exercise AND an excellent complement to other exercise regimens, such as strength training or endurance sports.

Exercises create balance between strength, flexibility, mobility and stability. It promotes elongation and enhances core stability by focusing on organization of the head, neck, and shoulders and mobility in the hips. The improved awareness of functional movement expands the body’s ability in specific sports movements and helps prevent injury. Pilates can be an integral component to weight loss and/or weight redistribution programs.

Regular use of Pilates will improve sports performance, rehabilitation, and provides a stable foundation to sustain fitness and wellness for the rigors of everyday life.




Ideal for those who are beginning their practice, who have special needs or prior injuries, or anyone who prefers the focus on 1 on 1 instruction. Used to develop a safe and appropriate program when recovering from injury, accident, physical and/or emotional trauma, chronic pain, scoliosis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, or other medical conditions. Individual program customized to achieve your specific objectives or sports-specific training needs. Opportunity to exercise on equipment not used in duet or trio sessions including the Ladder Barrel, Spinal Arc, and Chair.




Wonderful opportunity for couples, family, or friends to experience the work on equipment together. Programs continue to be individualized; however, one-on-one work for special needs and referral for Myofasical Release will be recommended as necessary.



75 for one session
360 for five sessions
675 for ten sessions

50 for one session
237 for five sessions
450 for ten sessions

35 for one session
166 for five sessions
315 for ten sessions

Mat Classes online
$10 per session

Each session lasts one hour.

The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning is gaining the mastery of your mind over the complete control over your body.
— Joe Pilates

Read more about the origins of Pilates here.